Trestleboard August 2019

Chartered January 17th, 1924 A.D., 6924 A.L.

Greetings from the East,

My Brethren,

The month of July has been a busy month. we had visitors from out of state that were very happy to meet the Brethren present.

Additionally, We had several Brethren visiting from Winter Park 239, Orlando 69, and from out of the state vacationing in Orlando. We presented some brothers Certificates that have been lingering in the office awaiting the brothers to attend Lodge.

In the month of August we will be having a Master Mason Degree presented by Eola members, Hope to see you here to see this magnificent event as the last time that this happened was several decades ago.

Please Visit Bahia Chapter Demolay they meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday they are very grateful for your visit.

Thank you to all of the Brothers that continue to attend and support this Lodge. This is very essential if we want to continue to exist.

Special thanks:
To all the Brothers that help to make this month go smooth, Brother Paul Rhoads.

Kudos to the Brothers that stay until the Lodge is restored back to normal.

For some of you, it has been a long time since you have been to the Lodge, please come, we miss you a ll.

Be sure to mark your calendar and your schedule to come for the fellowship or to participate in the upcoming events Look at the calendar.

Sincerely and fraternally.

Bro Nelson Bonet
Worshipful Master

Greetings from the West,


July was a busy month at Eola with approval of the new roof to take place, which will commence very soon, visiting brothers from various lodges in district, a Bible and Apron presentation for Br White, A presentation from the Orlando York Rite Bodies, as well as MLT which was hosted on the 30Th.

Brothers please note the new legislation requirement of completion of the MLT courses for eligibility to hold the station of the JW by 2021. Eola will continue to host this event into the 2020 Masonic year, so please take advantage of this opportunity to attend and complete this as soon as possible. This knowledge is available to all members and will benefit and pay dividends to us all.

A special thank you to W:. Michael T Rudd, and W:. Pedro Aroyo for their participation in delivering the Bible and Apron presentations.

Additional Thanks to the Orlando York Rite Bodies for the Circumambulation Presentation they shared with the craft.

Upcoming in August we again have a very robust schedule, beginning with our First Stated Communication being an official DDGM visit. The Message from the Grand Master this year should be very interesting for those who were unable to attend his Official Visit to hear it in person. Business that evening will be kept to a minimum so be prepared for a business meeting on the Second Stated Communication.

Additionally, please mark your calendars for the night of Tuesday August 27th from 6pm forward. An official called communication will be announced at the next stated communication, for the purpose of conferring the MM Degree, to brothers Mole, Solar, and Franco. Without going into detail or (giving out any secrets) we can assure you this will be an extremely significant evening, and one you will not want to miss at Eola. We highly encourage all brothers of EOLA to attend this epic event.

As always my brothers, be mindful, be safe, and be prepared we will see you soon.


Br. Paul Rhoads
Senior Warden

Greetings from the South,


I wanted to say Thank you to all The Brothers for helping in the Kitchen so far this year, to many to name but you know who you are.
Also a Big Thank you to the York Rite for their presentation at our last meeting! Also Congrats to Bro. Bobby White Jr. for receiving his Holy Bible and Apron, well deserved!

8/6/19 – D.D.G.M. Dinner – Seasoned Baked Chicken , Yellow Rice and Green Beans

8/20/19 – S.C. Meeting Dinner – Beef Stew and Bread.


Br. Rocky Ruvola
Junior Warden

2019 Elected & Appointed Officers

Feel free to contact us anytime

Worshipful Master

Senior Warden

Junior Warden





Senior Deacon

Junior Deacon

Senior Steward

Junior Steward


Nelson Bonet

Paul Rhoads

Rocky Ruvola

W:. Harry G Brumley, III

W:. Marn Schwebel

W:. Jim Judovits

W:. Sam Glover

Ramzy Suhweil

Omar Suhweil

Andy Jules

Hugo Xavier Carrera

R:. W:. Keith Albright













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