Chairman: Sam Glover (WM) W:. Harry Brumley, III (PM) Nelson Bonet (SW) Paul Rhoads (JW)
Chairman: Remi Silva W:. Jim Judovits (C) (PM) W:. Ralph Valido (PM)
Chairman: Sam Glover (WM) Remi Silva Ramzy Suhweil
Chairman: Paul Rhoads (JW) Nelson Bonet (SW) W.M. Sam Glover
Chairman: Nelson Bonet (SW) W:. Harry Brumley III (T) (PM) W:. Marty Schwebel (S) (PM) R:.W:. Keith Albright (PM) (PDDGM) W:. Jim Judovits (C) (PM)
Chairman: Rocky Ruvola (SD) Nelson Bonet (SW) Paul Rhoads (JW) Paulo Dias (SS) Remi Silva (JD)
Appointed by W.M.
Chairman: Nelson Bonet (SW) W:. Marty Schwebel (S) (PM)
(Subcommittee on Education) Chairman: W:. Les Williams (PM) ALL MMs of Eola
Chairman: Ramzy Suhweil W:. Roy Campbell (PM) R:.W:. Keith Albright (PM) (PDDGM) W:. Harry Brumley, III (PM) Joe Rudd
Chairman: Paul Rhoads (JW) W:. Martin Schwebel (PM) W:. Ralph Valido (PM) Rocky Ruvola
Chairman: Paulo Dias W. Marty Schwebel (S)(PM) Rocky Ruvola (SD)
Chairman: Paul Rhoads (JW) W:. Michael Rudd (PM)
Chairman: R:.W:. Keith Albright, PDDGM Members appointed by the Tyler